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Mad Skin (マッドスキン Maddo Sukin?) is the fifth boss in Gradius Gaiden.


Mad Skin is a large eye-like organic monstrosity that is embedded inside a wall made of strips of raw flesh and skin. It looks similar to the Big Eye, but without arms.

Attack patterns[]

Mad Skin attacks by randomly firing one to three bouncing cells which burst into turrets on impact with the ground, all the while firing thin laser beams. As he takes damage, the eye turns purple and then red. When he dies, he gurgles, stretches out, and then abruptly disappears.


Gradius Gaiden
Ships Vic ViperLord BritishJade KnightFalchion β
Stages Beyond the White StormRequiem for RevengersInto the Crystal CageRuins of SilenceOrganic FortressGreen InfernoOn the Event HorizonFormidable GuardiansFate...
Bosses Blizzard CrawlerGraveNobilShining CoreMoai DimensionMad SkinStinger KidHunter FangGiga's RoseKrakenLaser TetranDeathDoubleParasite CoreTriple CoreDeltatryJuggler CoreNeo Big CoreHeaven's GateBoost CoreGunner WallHeavy DuckerSolO.V.U.M.
Organic bosses
Space entities NucleusIntruderPhoenix (Geezer Butler)GoliathBubble EyeWyvernVulture DragonBlizzard CrawlerYorogaton ChimeraGilladorVolleoneDoomLynyrd SkynyrdTriumph KicksGawGigaKiller Dwarf
Body horror AbadonGolemZylomBig EyeGregolMad SkinBrachion EyeBiterBerialHuge HeartCrawler (X) • Infected Statue
Plantlife Choking WeedStinger KidHunter FangGiga's RoseDendrodiumHans Naughty