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Gradius Wiki
Gradius Wiki
Note: This boss is part of a multiform boss fight. The other two forms are Stinger Kid and Giga's Rose.

Be on your guard!
~ Announcer in Gradius Gaiden

Hunter Fang (ハンターファング Hantā Fangu?) is the second form of the boss in stage six of Gradius Gaiden.


He is a giant plant with extendable fangs, hence the name. When defeated, Hunter Fang will turn into a seed and then say "That doesn't hurt!" and the battle with Giga's Rose begins.

Attack pattern[]

Hunter Fang fights like Stinger Kid, but more aggressive, and with different attacks. Hunter Fang constantly fires out destroyable spores, and after a while, it rears back and fires it's fangs at you, but this also heavily exposes it's weak point. On loop two, when it fires it's fangs it also makes a tentacle come up under you, making you move a lot more. It's weak point has a moderate amount of health, making it a bit harder than Stinger Kid.

Gradius Gaiden
Ships Vic ViperLord BritishJade KnightFalchion β
Stages Beyond the White StormRequiem for RevengersInto the Crystal CageRuins of SilenceOrganic FortressGreen InfernoOn the Event HorizonFormidable GuardiansFate...
Bosses Blizzard CrawlerGraveNobilShining CoreMoai DimensionMad SkinStinger KidHunter FangGiga's RoseKrakenLaser TetranDeathDoubleParasite CoreTriple CoreDeltatryJuggler CoreNeo Big CoreHeaven's GateBoost CoreGunner WallHeavy DuckerSolO.V.U.M.
Organic bosses
Space entities NucleusIntruderPhoenix (Geezer Butler)GoliathBubble EyeWyvernVulture DragonBlizzard CrawlerYorogaton ChimeraGilladorVolleoneDoomLynyrd SkynyrdTriumph KicksGawGigaKiller Dwarf
Body horror AbadonGolemZylomBig EyeGregolMad SkinBrachion EyeBiterBerialHuge HeartCrawler (X) • Infected Statue
Plantlife Choking WeedStinger KidHunter FangGiga's RoseDendrodiumHans Naughty