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Destroy the eye!
~ Announcer in Gradius ReBirth

Crawler X is the boss of Stage 2 in Gradius ReBirth.


Crawler X is a stronger variant of the Crawler found in Nemesis (GB), although in look only, as it has a completely new attack pattern. Unlike the original, its core has now evolved into an eye/mouth combination, and it's also grown a pair of arms. Its weak spot is the eye.

Attack patterns[]

Crawler X sticks to the floor and ceiling, unlike the free floating boss from Nemesis (GB), it now bends it's "legs" to move.

It fires out small organic blobs from its eye that explode into a spread of shots if destroyed. It also tries to hit you with its claws. In addition to this, it can also create a wave through the floor and ceiling, leaving a small safe spot somewhere near the Crawler. It uses its claw attack at the very start of the battle, something that is fairly likely to catch newcomers off guard.

See also[]

Gradius ReBirth
Characters James Burton (Vic Viper) • GaudieVenom
Stages VolcanoCellMoaiWastelandAntichthon
Bosses VolcanoIron MaidenBig Core DuoZub RushCrawler XMoai OrbRe-BoneEnigmaElectronic Cage MK2Xaerous Brain
Organic bosses
Space entities NucleusIntruderPhoenix (Geezer Butler)GoliathBubble EyeWyvernVulture DragonBlizzard CrawlerYorogaton ChimeraGilladorVolleoneDoomLynyrd SkynyrdTriumph KicksGawGigaKiller Dwarf
Body horror AbadonGolemZylomBig EyeGregolMad SkinBrachion EyeBiterBerialHuge HeartCrawler (X) • Infected Statue
Plantlife Choking WeedStinger KidHunter FangGiga's RoseDendrodiumHans Naughty