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Gradius Wiki

Beyond the White Storm is the first stage in Gradius Gaiden.


Twice in the level, avalanches will herald the arrival of smaller versions of the original Big Core, which are quite easy to destroy. Midway through the level, ships will emerge from the floor or ceiling which will leave walls of ice behind them. Soon after that, the player be attacked by two large spinning icicles, which like to spread smaller icicles all over the screen, although they're not too much of a threat. Afterward, get ready for the Blizzard Crawler. Once defeat it, the stage end.




Description Audio
Theme of Air Battle #1 - Sky 1.
Theme of Air Battle #2 - Sky 2.
Theme of Beyond the White Storm - Snowfield.
Theme of Gradius Gaiden boss - Stage Boss
Gradius Gaiden
Ships Vic ViperLord BritishJade KnightFalchion β
Stages Beyond the White StormRequiem for RevengersInto the Crystal CageRuins of SilenceOrganic FortressGreen InfernoOn the Event HorizonFormidable GuardiansFate...
Bosses Blizzard CrawlerGraveNobilShining CoreMoai DimensionMad SkinStinger KidHunter FangGiga's RoseKrakenLaser TetranDeathDoubleParasite CoreTriple CoreDeltatryJuggler CoreNeo Big CoreHeaven's GateBoost CoreGunner WallHeavy DuckerSolO.V.U.M.