The Angel Squadron is a force created by G with the mission of defending the Solar System against the Bacterians. This squadron began with only four members, but it increased to eleven with the growing Bacterian forces.
- Operetta: Commander
- Aoba Anoa: Top Ace; Vic Viper,Vic Viper T-301 and Metalion pilot
- Erul Tron: Ace; Lord British pilot
- Diol Twee: Ace; Serenity Viper pilot
- Madoka: Murdoch Viper Mk. II pilot
- Tita Nium: Big Core Examiner pilot
- Esmeralda: Jade Knight pilot
- Poini Coon: Falchion β pilot
- Gesshi Hanafuuma: Wave Sword pilot
- Kokoro Belmont: Stavros pilot
- Arnval: Anthurium pilot
- Strarf: Alpinia pilot
- Emon • 5: Xel Viper pilot, Missing in Action
- David Burton: Vixen pilot, Dead in Action
- G is an organization formed by Gradians and humans to defend against the Bacterians. Other members of G are the famous Vic Viper, Lord British, TwinBee, WinBee and GwinBee.